Direct Access
OrthoRAPID accepts ALERTS from all allied health practitioners DIRECTLY
Your patient no longer has to wait weeks to see their GP or hours in busy emergency departments just to get a referral to see a specialist
There are now flexible options & alternatives
Just like clinical handover, communication is key - your detailed letter is appreciated
Accessing OrthoRAPID is simple
Give us the heads-up.
The earlier we know about your patient's injury, the more efficient their journey will be.
Click to alert us
Assist your patient to obtain a medical referral to Dr Kolt.
IWC Urgent Care Clinic or online telehealth providers are the quickest options.
OrthoRAPID will assist you & your patient to have the most appropriate imaging.
Radiology facilities are available in the region we service.
Assist your patient to jump on our website to book their initial consultation with secure payment options.
Radiology Locations
Medical Referral Options
Your patient will need a medical referral to
Dr Jeremy Kolt
Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
If you need your patient to consult OrthoRAPID urgently, there are options to obtain this referral TODAY
In person at IWC Bundaberg Urgent Care Clinic
184 Barolin Street, Bundaberg
Via a range of online telehealth providers