Immediate Injury Care
Expert Assessment
& Care For All Ages
An Orthopaedic Surgeon
Private Allied Health
& Private Hospital
At Your Fingertips
Caring for Bundaberg, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Hervey Bay, Gympie, Emerald, Roma & Surrounding Areas

Injuries Don't Wait
So You Don't Need To
Anyone Can ALERT OrthoRAPID from Anywhere…ON-DEMAND, Directly…
On your way to an emergency department
From an emergency department waiting room or IWC Urgent Care Clinic
If you have been sent home from emergency department & left wondering what is going to happen next or waiting more than a day for follow-up
From a hospital bed if you have already been admitted to a public hospital & waiting longer than expected for treatment
From your GP or physiotherapy clinic
From the sports ground
From school
From the workplace
From the kitchen, the garage, the shed, the farm, the beach, the skate park…

Injuries We Treat
All Injuries All Body Parts All Ages
Fractures (broken bones) or suspected fractures of: fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, arm, shoulder, collar bone (clavicle), hip, thigh (femur), knee, leg (tibia), ankle, foot & toes
Acute knee injuries, including ligament (ACL), meniscus & cartilage injuries
All hand injuries & lacerations
Ankle sprains
Muscle & tendon sprains & strains of all limb joints

Injuries We Don't Treat
Any injury where there is a concern of head, spinal or abdominal injury
Any patient who is having breathing difficulties or chest pain
Nose, cheek & jaw fractures

Private On-Demand Care
OrthoRAPID takes ALERTS & referrals from
Injured persons or their relatives - DIRECTLY
Emergency departments and IWC Urgent Care Clinic - including doctors, nurses & triage staff
General practitioners
Physiotherapists & other allied health practitioners

Easy Access
Our service is just like calling a tow truck for your injured vehicle. The process is very simple…
ALERT OrthoRAPID that you or your family member or your patient are injured
OrthoRAPID can co-ordinate a first aid & imaging plan
Meet our surgeon for consultation & treatment plan
OrthoRAPID can co-ordinate immediate non-surgical management or admission to a private hospital & prompt surgery if required

Fast & Efficient
OrthoRAPID is an alternative to long wait times in public hospital emergency departments, long waits to see the right specialist for your injury & follow-up in public fracture clinics
OrthoRAPID is your path to faster & expert care away from busy public hospitals
We are specialists in urgent orthopaedic care
Avoids crucial decisions for your healthcare being made by junior doctors or trainees
If you have an injury, contact OrthoRAPID as early as possible
We will arrange an immediate appointment
OrthoRAPID gives you direct access to a Specialist Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon
Direct access to on-site imaging department
Direct access to expert physiotherapy & allied health teams
Direct access to splinting & casting
Direct access to a private hospital & operating theatre
Your injury and recovery is important to us

Emergency Care
Same day appointments. Expert Care when YOU need it. No referral required to call.

Instant Answers
Questions? Speak with our knowledgeable, caring staff for instant answers to all your basic questions.

Total Injury Care
Smart, hassle-free emergency, rehabilitative & preventive orthopaedic care ON-DEMAND all at one facility.

We Accept Most Health Funds
Including DVA & WorkCover
No Insurance?
No problem
We offer affordable self-funding options

Meet The Team
Patient care is our number one goal
We make the process of accessing expert orthopaedic care at the time of injury convenient & rapid
ALERT us NOW to start your journey towards affordable, timely & efficient recovery

Practice Assistant - Kellie Smeaton
BH: (07) 4153 8349 - 9am - 5pm AEDT, Mondays - Thursdays
Our office will take OrthoRAPID alerts by phone but it is preferred to make an OrthoRAPID alert using the online form as this will notify Dr Kolt directly & will speed up your care journey.
Our online form is open to take an OrthoRAPID alert 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will respond to your alert as soon as possible.
OrthoRAPID can also be accessed by referral via IWC Bundaberg Urgent Care Clinic - (07) 4199 7654.
Skype: momentum.orthopaedics
We specialise in hip & knee replacements too!
Contact our elective orthopaedics division